Handwritten input
Native pronunciation
In the screen that explains the meanings of terms, you can also listen to the
pronunciation of foreign-language terms, phrases and sample sentences.
(Pronunciation by native speakers)
・Compatible dictionaries: Cambridge Learner's Dictionary, Genius English-Japanese
Dictionary, English Thesaurus, Tossa no Hitokoto English Conversation Dictionary,
English Conversation Anywhere EB, Hyakunin-Isshu Collected Poems
・Supported pronunciations: Items for which pronunciation files are provided
■Listening to the pronunciation of
retrieved terms (Audio function)
turns to
When you press
the term or phrase above
or to the left of the
icon is read out.
■Using handwritten input to look up
the Japanese for English terms
■Using handwritten input to look up
the English for Japanese terms
In this example, we will look up "海". Write "海" on the handwriting
panel and touch .
In this example, we will look up "fine". We enter the word one letter
at a time, writing "f" on the handwriting panel and then touching
before writing "i" and touching again.
You can write out an English word on the handwriting panel
and look up the Japanese translation.
You can write out a Japanese word on the handwriting
panel and look up the English translation.
You can also select the "Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary"
from the menu.
You can also select the "Genius English-
Japanese Dictionary" from the menu.
・If the letter is not recognized correctly, press and correct the letter.
・You can also enter words by writing several letters at once.
Press or to highlight the word you want
to look up and then press .
The corresponding Japanese term is displayed.
Press or to highlight the word you want
to look up and then press .
The corresponding English term is displayed.
Use the handwriting panel to enter the word you want
to look up. Using the touch-pen provided, write the
word directly onto the handwriting panel.
As you write the word, touch after each letter.
・If the character is not recognized correctly, press and
correct the character.
・You can also enter words by writing several characters at once.
Enter the word you want to look up using kanji and
hiragana or katakana. Using the touch-pen provided,
write the word directly onto the handwriting panel.
As you write the word, touch after each
The icon is highlighted....
and the icon and
the icon for the language
used for the pronunciation
is displayed.
Check that "見出し語検索(Search by keyword)" is highlighted.
When the icon appears
in the screen, press .
Keyboard input
Alphabetic input keyboard
To enter a letter, press the key with the corresponding letter printed on it.
■Entering letters
"みかん" is entered.
(E.g.) To enter "みかん"
To use Romanized kana input, press the letter key
in this case).
■Entering hiragana
Press or to highlight the word you want
to look up and then press .
The corresponding Japanese term is displayed.
Press or to highlight the word you want
to look up and then press .
The corresponding English term is displayed.
In this example, we will look up
"orange". As you enter the
letters, matching candidates are
displayed. Here, when you enter
"oran", "orange" is displayed.
Enter the word you want to look up.
Enter the word you want to
look up in hiragana.
You can also select the
"Genius English-Japanese
Dictionary" from the menu.
■Looking up the Japanese for English terms
You can also select the "Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary"
from the menu.
When you are using a tool such as the "English-Japanese
Dictionary" to enter text in English, the keyboard automatically
switches to alphabetic input.
When you enter Japanese in tools such as the "Kojien",
"Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary" or "Kanwa-
jiten", the keyboard automatically switches to kana input.
You can enter the letters in a word and
then look up the Japanese for that word.
■Looking up the English for Japanese terms
You can enter a Japanese word and then look up the
English for that word.
Check that "見出し語検索(Search
by keyword)" is highlighted.
Here, we are looking up "魚", so
we enter "さかな". As you enter
the reading, matching candidates
are displayed.