1998-1999 CashCode Company Inc
Page 8/12
Rev.B2 11/99
8. Input and Output Circuitry
The Bill Validator has two types of input / output circuitry according to the existing interfaces:
isolated low voltage circuitry and TTL/CMOS-level non-isolated circuitry.
8.1. Isolated Pulse Interface
The input and output circuitry belonging to this interface are shown in the figure below. They
have the following specifications:
1. Isolated OUTPUT PULSE circuitry:
- normally open (NO) relay bounce free contact with optocouple electrical insulation;
- open circuit leakage current is not greater than 0.1 mA with applied voltage up to
50 VDC;
- resistance of the closed contacts is not greater than 100 Ohm;
- maximum load current is not more than 70 mA.
2. INHIBIT LINE input:
- electrically insulated optocouple input;
- input voltage to prohibit any banknote acceptance is not more than +0.5 VDC;
- input voltage to allow banknote acceptance is within the range: +3..+24 VDC with the current
not exceeding 24 mA.
The additional non-isolated TTL-level CREDIT PULSE output has exactly the same circuitry as
output circuitry of the CashCode
Serial Interface (see unit 8.2)
V in = 3...2 4V D C
Io l= 25 0m A m a x
Vo l= 50 V m ax A C /D C
In h ib it L in e
(In p u t)
Iso la te d P u lse
(O u tp u t)
1 K
+ In h ib it L in e
(W h ite )
P u lse O u tp u t 1
(G re e n )
P u lse O u tp u t 2
(B lu e )
- In h ib it L in e
(B ro w n )