S-Series Server / Client Manual
Version 2.2.1 Rev 1/14/07
Live Mode
Live Mode is the start screen of the S-Series DVRT Server Software. This screen dis-
plays live images from the cameras and the icons to switch to other modes. When the
System is first started it is not necessary to Log On to access any features. The DVRT
must be locked to deny unauthorized users from controlling the software. When the sys-
tem is locked all features require an access code to be opened. All users should be as-
signed their own individual User ID and Password by the System Administrator.
System Lock
Left click the “System Lock” button to lock the system. After locking the system, a
password will be needed to access any of the features. This feature may be turned
on and off using a password.
Refer to the following pages in this section for a detailed explanation of how to use
the Live Mode Features.
PTZ Controls
Screen Division