To adjust for leg length
1. Unscrew the 5 hex screws
. . . using the Allen wrench.
2. Lay out the K2
. . . next to the patient’s leg, tray side down.
3. Move the tray arms
. . . to the longest position that comfortably matches the
wearer’s current knee contracture.
To keep the cuffs out of the knee crease, move the
thigh cuff as close as possible to hip and the calf cuff
as close as possible to ankle
without restricting hip or ankle.
While checking fit, secure one screw to hold the tray
in place.
The tray should not touch the patient’s leg.
4. Tighten the screws
. . . through both sections of the tray.
For the two long screws that secure the knee straps,
choose tray holes that bring the straps straight down
as vertically as possible from the knee pad.
K2 HoundDog Donning and Adjustment Rev.02 (J
un 2018