CAS ECB Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11




5. Keypad Functions 






Numeric keys  


Decimal point key 


Use this key to clear out the displayed numeric readings. 


If there is a minor weight displayed without anything on the platform, 
press the zero key to clear the display. 


Use this key to subtract the container’s weight, indicates that the current 
weight reading is net weight. 


Use this key to input sample size. 


Use this key to input the known unit weight of item to be counted. 


Use this key to input the HIGH & LOW weight/quantity limit for check 


Use this key to accumulate weight/quantity measured. 


Use this key to recall total weight, count & accumulation on times. 


Use this key to preset TARE weight. 

Содержание ECB Series

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Страница 2: ...ty accumulation 21 G Preset counting check range 22 H Preset weight check range 24 7 User Programming Functions 26 A Auto shut off time setting 26 B Zero Tracking range 27 C Zero display range 27 D Stable class range 28 E Stable class rate 28 F Backlight type 29 G Change unit of measure from kg to pound 30 H Unit weight recomputing 31 I Check alarm type 32 J Baud rate setting 34 K Transmit method ...

Страница 3: ...4 8 Calibration can be done in kg lb 36 9 Power supply battery operation 37 10 RS 232 Output 38 11 Error Codes 45 12 Technical Data 46 ...

Страница 4: ...5 1 Precautions Before Using The Scale ...

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Страница 6: ...netic fields or equipment that generates magnetic fields On an unstable work surface In a dusty environment In direct sunlight Leveling the Scale The scale is equipped with a level indicator on the back side at the middle of platform and four adjustable leveling feet Adjust the leveling feet until the bubble appears in the center of the circle Turn on Scale Do not turn on scale with anything on th...

Страница 7: ...8 2 Overall view ...

Страница 8: ...and insert the post pipe to the post bracket Refer to fig 1 4 Fasten the post pipe with two bolts Refer to fig 1 5 Insert the wire to the post pipe Refer to fig 2 3 6 If the scale is not properly level please adjust 4 leg adjusting bolt at the bottom of the scale so as to center the bubble of the leveling gauge Note Place the scale on a flat and stable surface Inside the indicated circle ...

Страница 9: ...10 Note Beforeusingthescale unscrewthefiveshippingprotection screws Ifnot theweighingoperationworkswrong 1 Location of screws 2 Adjusting procedure ...

Страница 10: ...rm 2 Indicated Symbols Sysmbols Specification ScaleisinTAREmode ScaleisinZEROmode ScaleisinACCUMULATIONmode ThedisplayreadingisinSTABLEcondition LackofSampleWeight Ifthetotalsampleweightontheplatformislessthan10displaydivisions atriangularindicatorwillappeartoremindtheusertoaddmoresamples untiltheindicatordisappears LackofUnitWeight Iftheunitweightislessthe1 10displaydivisions atriangularindicator...

Страница 11: ...clearthedisplay Usethiskeytosubtractthecontainer sweight indicatesthatthecurrent weightreadingisnetweight Usethiskeytoinputsamplesize Usethiskeytoinputtheknownunitweightofitemtobecounted UsethiskeytoinputtheHIGH LOWweight quantitylimitforcheck function Usethiskeytoaccumulateweight quantitymeasured Usethiskeytorecalltotalweight count accumulationontimes UsethiskeytopresetTAREweight ...

Страница 12: ...UsethiskeytoenterintoUserProgrammingFunctions Usethiskeytoconfirmtheparametersetting UsethiskeytomovetheparametervalueinSetMode Usethiskeytomemoryavaluetoalocation Usethese24blankkeystostorevaluesinmemory ...

Страница 13: ...oaded C Sampling before counting 1 Unknownunitweight Placeafewpiecesofitemtobecountedontheplatform Inputthequantityofitemontheplatform ex 50pcs PressSMPLkey Note Thesystemdefaultis UnitWeight Ifthe SMPL keyisclickedwhenthevalue ex 40 in COUNTwindowisblinking thenthenumericalvalueinputwillbeas Quantity Ifthe SMPL keyisnotclickedwhenthevalue ex 40 inCOUNTwindowisblinking thenthenumericalvalueinputwi...

Страница 14: ...unitweightduringincountingprocessifthesettingof UnitWeightRecomputing setto on 2 Knownunit weight Inputtheknownunitweight ex 40g PressU Wt keyto completesamplingoperation enterintocountingmode Note Thesystemdefaultis UnitWeight Ifthe U WT keyisclickedwhenthevalue ex 0 in COUNTwindowisblinking thenthenumericalvalueinputwillbeas UnitWeight ...

Страница 15: ...g AfterinputU W pressENTER keytotoConfirmitandmoveonthenextstep Note PresstheMOVEkeytochangethevaluewhenawrongvalueisentered ThesecondstepisforstoringTarevalue So Inputthetarevalue ex 10kg andpressthe ENTERkeytoconfirmitandmoveonthenextstep Thethirdstepisforstoringitemnumber So Inputtheitemnumber ex 800125 andpressthe ENTERkeytoconfirmitandmoveonthenextstep Note Youcanenterupto6digits ...

Страница 16: ...y InputanaddressnumberbyusingNumerickey 1 100 andPressENTERkeytoconfirmit Then thescalewillbebacktothenormalcountingmodedirectly 1 Anerrormassage E4 appearsiftheaddresscodeisoutof 1 100 ThenpressMOVEkeytoreturntolaststep PressCANCELkeytoexitthestoringmode 2 Whentheaddressnumberhasbeenused thedisplaywillbeshownasbelow Atthistime ifyouwanttostillusetheaddressnumber pressENTERkeytoconfirmit Ifyouwant...

Страница 17: ...dressnumberbyusingnumerickeyswhichyouwanttorecallandthenpressMEMORYkey Twice rapidly 1 Placepartsontheplatform youwillknowthenumberofparts 2 PresstheCkeytoexitfromrecallingmemorymode 3 PresstheU WTkeyduringrecallingmemorymodetocheckaddress itemnumber E Subtract container s weight 1 Weight unknown Placeacontainerontheplatform Press TARE key ...

Страница 18: ...ctionwell indicatorsof stable Net weight willappearasbelow 2 Container s weight known Withnoweightontheplatform Nothingontheplatform PressP TAREkey Inputcontainer sweightvaluebyusingnumerickeys ex 0 96kg Press P TAREkeyagain ...

Страница 19: ...r sweightvaluebyusingnumerickeys ex 0 5kg Press P TAREkeyagain Eliminate TARE Remove all weights from the platform If so the weight display will show a negative container s weight Atthismoment PressingTAREkeywillbringthe weightdisplaytozero ThenTAREindicator willbedisappeared ...

Страница 20: ...Followingtotheprocessabove youcanaddupwhateveryouwantcontinuously AfterthenpressTOTALkey ThenthetotalweightwillbeshownonWEIGHTwindow thetotalcountwillbeshownonCOUNTwindowandthenumberofaccumulation willbeshownonUINTWEIGHTwindow Press TOTALkeytoenterintoaccumulationstatusmode Atthismoment totalaccumulated weightisshownonWEIGHTwindow totalaccumulatedtimesisshownonUNITWEIGHT windowandTOTALPIECESisshow...

Страница 21: ...ndowshouldbezeroedbeforethenextaccumulation G Preset counting check range UsercansetaHi Lorangeforcheckingthequantityofcountingresult whenthenumber ofobjectsontheplatformmeetthe conditionoftherange thealarm willsoundbeeps repeatedly 1 Procedures Doesn tmatterwhatsomethingisontheplatform PressALARMkey Thenthedisplay imageisshownasbelow Inputdesiredhighlimitvaluebyusingnumerickeys ex 200pcs Itisposs...

Страница 22: ...keys ex 5pcs Lowlimitvalueiseffectiveonlyafterhighlimitispreset PressSMPLkeytocompletethisprocedureandreturntonormalcountingmode Note Anerror massage E5 appearsin weight windowwhentheLOvalueissethigher thanHIvalue Afewsecondslater it willbacktolimitsettingmodeagain LO value ex 5pcs High value ex 200pcs ...

Страница 23: ...edures Doesn tmatterwhatsomethingisontheplatform PressALARMkey Thenthedisplayimageisshownasbelow Inputdesiredhighlimitvaluebyusingnumerickeys ex 30kg ItispossibletoerasewrongvalueasusingCLEARkey PressALARMkeyagaintoconfirmHIvalueandmoveonnextsteptoinputLOvalue InputdesiredLOlimitbyusingnumerickeys ex 2kg Lowlimitvalueiseffectiveonlyafterhighlimitispreset LOvalue ex 2kg HIvalue ex 30kg ...

Страница 24: ...n weight windowwhentheLOvalueisset higher thanHIvalue 2 When both HI and LO values are needed they must be kept same decimal digits Ex HI 10kg LO 9 8kg then the values must be set as HI 10 0kg LO 9 8kg Clear high low value preset Input 0 orClearkeytodeletepriorHI LOvalues when youareinlimitsettingmode ...

Страница 25: ...utomatically A Auto Shut off time setting Asshownbelow thesettingvalueisonWEIGHTwindowandthetitleofmenuisonU W window Thereare4options andPressingMOVEkeyispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Options Description 0 Defaultsetting Nousethisfunction 2 Thescalewillbeturnedoffautomaticallyafter2min ifthereisnoanyinterruption 5 Thescalewillbeturnedoffautomaticallyafter5min ifthereisnoanyinterruption 8 Thesca...

Страница 26: ...ttokeepgoingtosetothermenus press ENTER key toconfirmand moveonnext Pleaseturnoff thescaleaftersetting C Zero display range Keep pressing ENTER key in USERPROGRAMMINGMODE untilthe display appearsasbelow Thereare5options andPressing MOVE key ispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Defaultsetting 2 0 off 1 0 5d 2 1d 3 2d 4 3d Ifyouwanttoexit press C key to confirmandgobacktonormalweighingmode However ifyo...

Страница 27: ...ouwanttokeepgoingtosetothermenus press ENTER key toconfirmand moveonnext Pleaseturnoff thescaleaftersetting E Stable class rate KeeppressingENTERkeyinUSERPROGRAMMINGMODEuntilthedisplayappearsas below Thereare5options andPressing MOVE key ispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Defaultsetting 1 Level 1 2 3 4 5 Thelargernumberismorestable Ifyouwanttoexit press C key to confirmandgobacktonormalweighingmode...

Страница 28: ...aticallywheneverthescaleisloadedbyobjectsweigh greaterthan9displayresolutionoranyofkeysispressed Anditwillbegoingoffalso automaticallyapprox 5secondsafterthescalereturnstozero 1 Manualbacklight Press decimal point key to switch on and offbacklight Ifyouwanttoexit press C key to confirmandgobacktonormalweighingmode However ifyouwanttokeepgoingtosetothermenus press ENTER key toconfirmand moveonnext ...

Страница 29: ...ay appearsasbelow Thereare2options andPressing MOVE key ispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Defaultsetting 0 0 kg 1 lb Ifyouwanttoexit press Clear key to confirmandgobacktonormalweighingmode However ifyouwanttokeepgoingtosetothermenus press ENTER key toconfirmand moveonnext Pleaseturnoff thescaleaftersetting ...

Страница 30: ...setothermenus press ENTER key toconfirmand moveonnext Theunit weight willbeaveraged againif youaddtheremainingquantity gradually byseverallots This willhelpeliminateerrorscaused bythepossibleweight variationamongeachobjectand leadtomore accurateresults Whenaddingobjectstotheplatform Theweight valueshouldnotbelessthan 10displaydivisions besurethatthequantityisLESSTHANthosealreadyon theplatform Thea...

Страница 31: ...ay appearsasbelow Thereare2options andPressing MOVE key ispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Defaultsetting 0 0 Insidetype 1 Outsidetype Ifyouwanttoexit press C key to confirmandgobacktonormalweighingmode However ifyouwanttokeepgoingtosetothermenus press ENTER key toconfirmand moveonnext ...

Страница 32: ...ncountdisplaywindow willflicker 2 Outside type Thealarmsoundsbeepsonlywheneithertotalweightortotalcountisoutsidethesetrange Ex checkingthecount weightwhenoverHIvalue Ifthecount weightisoverHIvalue thevalueoncountdisplaywindow willflicker Ex checkingthecount weightwhenunderLOvalue Ifthecount weightisunderLOvalue thevalueoncountdisplaywindowwillflicker Pleaseturnoff thescaleaftersetting ...

Страница 33: ...ersetting K Transmit method setting Keep pressing ENTER key in USERPROGRAMMINGMODE untilthe display appearsasbelow Thereare4options andPressing MOVE key ispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Options Description 1 transmitbypressingakey ex TicketprinterDEP 50 PC 2 seriestransmit ex TicketprinterDEP 50 PC 3 Defaultsetting transmitbypressingakey foralabelprinter DLP 50 4 auto transmit foralabelprinter DL...

Страница 34: Keep pressing ENTER key in USERPROGRAMMINGMODE untilthe display appearsasbelow Thereare10options andPressing MOVE key ispossibletorotateamongtheoptions Defaultsetting 1 1 Thetarecanbecanceledcontinuously 2 Thetaremustbecanceledforonetimeonly Note Whenuseristryingtocanceltarevalue Ifthevalueisnotthesameastotaltarevalue thebuzzerwilltweetforthreetimestoindicatetheerror Then Removealltheweightfrom...

Страница 35: ...capacityisdisplayedonU Wwindowbecausefullcapacityisrequiredfor calibration However weightcapacityforcalibrationispossibletosetbyyourselfasinputting numerickeys Aftermadeadecisionwhatcapacitywillbeusedforcalibration puttheweightontheplatform assameaswhatexactlyshownontheU Wwindow Thenthescaleiscalibratedautomatically andthescaleisbacktonormalweighingmodeafewsecondslater PressCLEARkeytoescapeformcal...

Страница 36: ...ically switch off to protect the battery Before switching off automatically a prompt words Lobatoff willbeshownthreetimestoindicatethescaleswitchoffduetobatteryempty Thebatteryshouldbechargedfor12hoursforfullcapacity ThereisanLEDtoindicatethestatusofbatterychargingonthedisplay IftheLEDisGreenthe battery has been charged If it is Red the battery is nearly discharged and Yellow indicates the battery...

Страница 37: ...n3 Output Pin5 SignalGround Data di gi t specification 12345 6 78910111213 141516 1718 1 st row Netweight Data title space data unit CR 2 nd row Unitweight data title space data unit CR 3 rd row Quantity data title space data CR 1415 4 th row Tareweight data title space data weight CR 4 th rowdata OA 3 DataFormatofSeriestransmit Whenitisinunstablemode net 15 000 kg U W 1000 g pcs 10 Tare 5 000 kg ...

Страница 38: ...tionmodeandtransmitbypressing ADD keyand TOTAL key PresstheADDkey PLU100 No 800125 Record 01 NET 15 000kg U W 100 00g PCS 100 Tare 5 000kg PresstheADDkeyagain PLU100 No 800125 Record 02 NET 10 000kg U W 100 00g PCS 80 Tare 2 000kg PresstheTOTALkey TOTAL PLU100 No 800125 NET 25 000kg pcs 180 Note Whenitisinnormalcounting model withoutaccumulationoperation pressthe TOTAL key to print the data the tr...

Страница 39: ...NET 15 000kg U W 100 00g PCS 100 Tare 5 000kg Whenitisinunstablemode TOTAL net 15 000kg U W 100 00g pcs 100 Tare 5 000kg NET StableNetWeight net UnstableNetWeight PCS StableQuantity pcs UnstableQuantity U W UnitWeight Tare Tarevalue ...

Страница 40: ...PressADDkey Weight 6 48kg Unitweight 20 25g Quantity 320pcs Tare 0 035kg PressADDkeyagain Weight 4 55kg Unitweight 20 25g Quantity 220pcs Tare 0 035kg PressTOTALkey Weight 10 935kg Unitweight 20 25g Quantity 540pcs Tare 0 035kg used comma with EAN13barcode ...

Страница 41: ...y Transmitmethodsettingisset 1 Command 1byte Char Hex WeighingMode 1 0x31 Sameas1key 2 0x32 Sameas2key 3 0x33 Sameas3key 4 0x34 Sameas4key 5 0x35 Sameas5key 6 0x36 Sameas6key 7 0x37 Sameas7key 8 0x38 Sameas8key 9 0x39 Sameas9key 0 0x30 Sameas0key 0x2E Sameas key 0x43 C c 0x63 SameasC Clear key ...

Страница 42: ...U u 0x75 SameasU WTkey 0x41 A a 0x61 SameasALARMkey 0x45 E e 0 0x65 SameasENTERkey 0x52 R r 0x72 SameasMEMORYkey 0x50 P p 0x70 SameasP TAREkey 0x4E N n 0x6E SameasADDkey 0x5A Z z 0x7A SameasZEROkey 0x54 T t 0x74 SameasTAREkey 0x44 D d 0x64 SameasTOTALkey 0x4C L l 0x6C SameasLongpressMEMORYkey ...

Страница 43: ...odot 6 byte TWC Tareweight withcomma 7 byte GWA Grossweight withdot 7 byte GWB Grossweight nodot 6 byte GWC Grossweight withcomma 7 byte TNA Totalnetweight withdot 7 byte TNB Totalnetweight nodot 6 byte TNC Totalnetweight withcomma 7 byte UWA Unitweight withdot 7 byte UWB Unitweight nodot 6 byte UWC Unitweight withcomma 7 byte QUA Quantity withdot 7 byte QUB Quantity nodot 6 byte QUC Quantity with...

Страница 44: ... on the scale with something on the platform Take away all goods from the platform and switch on again E4 Address cell is out of 1 100 Correct the operation E5 In alarm setting the LO value is set higher than HI value Correct the operation OL Overload or value exceeds the display range Correct the operation Iftheerrormessagestillisshownevenafterfollowingtodescription pleasedocalibrateagain Afterth...

Страница 45: ...0 2lb 0 5lb 0 2g 0 5g 1g 2g MinRecommended LackofUnitWeight 0 0005lb 0 001lb 0 002lb 0 005lb DisplayType LCD WeightUnits kgorlb ZeroRange 2 TareTange FullCapacitybySubtraction StabilizationTime 2seconds OperationTemperature 0 40 32 104 HumidityRange 90 relativehumidity non condensing Power ACAdaptorDC12V 1Aor12V 800mA Internalrechargeablesealedacidbattery BatteryLife 100hourscontinuoususewith12hou...

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