Cary Audio would like to thank you for purchasing our products.
Since its founding in 1989, Cary Audio has stayed at the forefront of home entertainment equipment
by stubbornly adhering to the principles of quality and musicality upon which it was founded. It’s not
enough just to be able to build great sounding gear, but it needs to be well-made, reliable, and
maintain its performance and value for many years. Cary Audio has certain criteria that have guided
us since we began and are still our primary focus.
We firmly believe in high performance products that offer incredible value for the money, backed by
superior engineering and design, and supported by exceptional customer service. Whether a
headphone amplifier or a world-class network audio player, Cary Audio uses the highest quality
components available within the audio circuit, resulting in extraordinary sound quality. This is a well-
known hallmark of all Cary Audio products.
For more than a quarter of a century, Cary Audio has provided the best in high performance music
systems. We remain committed to our goals of building the very best products, at real-world prices,
and supporting them with world-class service. Let our passion for the very finest sound help you
better enjoy your music! Thank you for your continued support!
The Cary Audio Team