TO SET (OR CHECK) TUBE BIAS SETTING: Plug in the bias cable, connect the red clip to the
positive (+) terminal on the volt ohm meter (VOM) and the black clip to the negative (-) terminal
on the VOM. Slowly turn the Bias Pot screw
clockwise to set the 300B Tube Bias to 60 mA on the
milliampere range.
The adjustment pot is located at the back of the chassis along with a bias jack for an external
meter. Check the 300B tube bias current and adjust for a 60 mA reading. The meter is marked
“SET” at the 60 mA mark. Check and readjust to 60 mA again after the CAD-805AE amplifier is
warmed up for 10 minutes.
Bias is factory preset to 60 mA. Bias should be reset when installing a new
replacement 300B tube.