place that driver can press the button, connect one wire of the SOS button to GND (car body), another wire of
the SOS button to the tracker SOS wire is OK.
The external microphone need insert to the socket beside the wires on the case, and install the
microphone in hidden place near the driver so that the tracker can have clear voice
For car security the tracker need be installed in hidden place, normally the back of the seat or arm rest box
or under the back window or room on the panel etc. please note that the install location of the tracker must can
receive the GSM & GPS signal, before recovery the cover panel please try to locate the tracker (send sms to
locate or check location on app or PC) after installation, and confirm the locating is ok, if the location is not right
and lost points very often, please try to change a place to install.
Power Down Alarm:
When the tracker power supply is off or the voltage is too low, the GREEN LED of the tracker will flash 3
times, and then the tracker will send power down alarm SMS to the authorized number. This means the tracker
power is removed or the tracker is removed, please confirm.
Power Down Alarm
Back to Factory Setting
Send the SMS command to the tracker can reset the tracker setting to the factory mode (just like new
tracker). The SMS command is FACTROY*123456. FACTORY is command, 123456 is tracker password.
The Antenna of GPS is built in the tracker, and the Antenna of 2G/3G is build-in, please leave the tracker
away from big metal, that will reduce the 2G/3G and GPS signal.
Using Condition
The working temperature is -20
to 60
, over this range the specification maybe can not reach the
standard level. the storage temperature can reach to -40
to 80
Simply Using Step
1. First to buy a 2G GSM or 3G WCDMA mobile phone SIM card and enable data service, order a data
package 20-30M (Normally most of the tracker every month data cost is lower than 20MB), install in the tracker,
please refer
Before Using 2
. Some SIM card need send SMS to active internet data service, please call the
SIM card supplier to confirm.
Installation Hole