Installation Instructions
Vent / Exhaust Pipe External Trap Kit
: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the
maintenance, or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock, or
other conditions which may cause death, personal injury, or
property damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency, or
your distributor or branch for information or assistance. The
qualified installer or agency must use factory--authorized kits or
accessories when modifying this product. Refer to the individual
instructions packaged with the kits or accessories when installing.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses, protective clothing,
and work gloves. Have a fire extinguisher available. Read these
instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions
include in literature and attached to the unit. Consult local
building codes, the current editions of the National Fuel Gas
Code (NFGC) NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1--2009 and the National
Electrical Code (NEC) NFPA 70.
In Canada, refer to the current editions of the National Standards
of Canada CAN/CGA--B149.1 and .2 Natural Gas and Propane
Installation Codes, and Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1
Recognize safety information. This is the safety--alert symbol
When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or
manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words
, and
. These words are used with the safety--alert symbol.
identifies the most serious hazards which
result in
severe personal injury or death.
signifies hazards
result in personal injury or death.
used to identify unsafe practices which
result in minor
personal injury or product and property damage.
is used
to highlight suggestions which
result in enhanced
installation, reliability, or operation.
Special Venting Requirements for Installations in Canada
Installation in Canada must conform to the requirements of CSA
B149 code. Vent systems
be composed of pipe, fittings,
cements, and primers listed to ULC S636. The special vent
fittings and accessory concentric vent termination kits and
accessory external drain trap have been certified to ULC S636 for
use with those IPEX PVC vent components which have been
certified to this standard. In Canada, the primer and cement must
be of the same manufacturer as the vent system -- *IPEX System
, PVC/CPVC Primer, Purple Violet for Flue Gas Venting
and IPEX System 636, PVC Cement for Flue Gas Venting, rated
Class IIA, 65 deg C. must be used with this venting system -- do
not mix primers and cements from one manufacturer with a vent
system from a different manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions in the use of primer and cement and never use primer
or cement beyond its expiration date.
*IPEX System 636™ is a trademark of IPEX Inc.
The safe operation, as defined by ULC S636, of the vent system
and this external vent trap kit is based on following these
installation instructions, the vent system manufacturer’s
installation instructions, and proper use of primer and cement.
All fire stop and roof flashing used with this system must be UL
listed material. Acceptability under Canadian standard CSA
B149 is dependent upon full compliance with all installation
instructions. Under this standard, it is recommended that the vent
system be checked once a year by qualified service personnel.
The authority having jurisdiction (gas inspection authority,
municipal building department, fire department, etc) should be
consulted before installation to determine the need to obtain a
Consignes spéciales pour l’installation de ventillation au
L’installation faite au Canada doit se conformer aux exigences du
code CSA B149. Ce systême de ventillation
se composer de
tuyaux, raccords, ciments et apprêts conformes au ULC S636. La
tuyauterie de ventillation des gaz, ses accessoires, le terminal
concentrique mural ainsi que l’ensemble du drain de condensat
extérieur ont été certifiés ULCS 636 pour l’application des
composantes IPEX PVC qui sont certifiées à ce standard. Au
Canada l’apprêt et le ciment doivent être du même manufacturier
que le systême de ventillation -- IPEX Système 636, Apprêt
PVC/CPVC. Mauve Violette pour conduit en évacuation des gaz
et IPEX Système 636, ciment pour PVC pour conduit en
évacuation des gaz, évalué CLASSE IIA, 65 deg. C. doit ëtre
utilisé avec ce systèeme d’évacuation -- ne pas mélanger l’apprêt
et le ciment d’un manufacturier avec le systême de ventillation
d’un autre manufacturier. Bien suivre les indications du
manufacturier lors de l’utilisation de l’apprêt et du ciment et ne
pas utiliser ceux--ci si la date d’expiration est atteinte.
L’opération sécuritaire, tel que définit par ULC S636, du système
de ventilation et ceci ensemble purgeur pour conduite
d’évacuation externe est basé sur les instructions d’installation
suivantes, ainsi que l’usage approprié de l’apprêt et ciment. Tout
arrët feu et solin de toit utilisés avec ce système doivent être des
matériaux listés UL. L’acceptation du standard Canadien CSA
B419 est directement relié à l’installation conforme aux
instructions ci-- haut mentionnées. Le standard Canadien
recommande l’ inspection par un personel qualifié et ce, une fois
par année.
Les autoritées ayant juridiction (inspecteurs de gas, inspecteurs en
bâtiments, département des incendies, etc) devraient être
consultées avant l’installation afin de déterminer si un permis est