Order No. 15021-20, 11.2000. Supersedes order No.: New
Printed on Totally Chlorine-Free Paper.
Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice.
Printed in the Netherlands
A list of possible faults, as well as the probable cause and suggested solutions is shown in Table 12. In the event of a unit
malfunction it is recommended to disconnect the power supply and ascertain the cause.
Table 12 - Troubleshooting chart
Unit does not start
No power supply
Connect power supply
Main switch open
Close switch
Low line voltage
Check voltage and remedy the deficiency
A protection has tripped
Contactor stuck open
Replace contactor
Seized compressor
Replace compressor
Unit starts and stops frequently
Defective compressor contactor
Replace contactor
Defective compressor
Replace compressor
Refrigerant losses
Reclaim the charge, pull a vacuum, recharge
the system with the quantity indicated on the
name plate
Unit continuously cuts out at
Defective low pressurestat
Replace pressurestat
low pressure
Refrigerant losses
Check and add the necessary quantity
Indoor fan does not operate
Check fan motor
Unit continuously cuts out at
high pressure
Defective high pressurestat
Replace pressurestat
Blocked filter drier
Replace filter
Outdoor fan does not operate
Check fan motor
Defective high pressurestat
Replace pressurestat
Indoor fan does not operate
Check fan motor
Abnormal system noise
Piping vibration
Support piping
Noisy compressor
Check and change if necessary
Badly fitting panels
Install correctly
Compressor loses oil
Leak in system
Repair leak
Water loss
Defective drainage connections
Check and tighten if necessary