Carmanah Technologies Corp. | 250 Bay St, Victoria, BC V9A 3K5, Canada | 1.250.380.0052 |
4.4 Testing AI FCU
1. Ensure AI serial number has been activated.
Set toggle switch to “OFF”.
3. Ensure connectors are properly mated on the bottom of the AI FCU.
4. Confirm correct wiring and power-up system by connecting the DC power (battery fuses or switch on the
breaker) and turning on the AI power switch.
5. Open your PC, open a browser and navigate to the Glance website:
6. Log in using the credentials provided by AI or the distributor you purchased the equipment from.
7. On the upper-left side of the browser, select the device name that matches the Device ID (the ID number
labelled on the AI FCU).
Ensure the equipment is not powering during installation. Recheck all wiring prior to energizing
the system.