Experiment with these suggested settings when dialing in your tone.
You can also tailor your sound with the type of pickups you use and
where they are placed on the guitar.
Humbuckers (dual coil pickups) generally have higher output than
singlecoil pickups, and tend to overdrive more easily. Singlecoils
usually have a brighter, ‘clearer’ tone but less body to the sound. In
addition, a pickup sounds tighter and more crisp closer to the
bridge and has a warmer, more rounded sound closer to the neck.
DSP Settings
1. Small Shaft Reverb: Reverb, short for 'reverberation.' Adds an
echoing character to the sound to simulate an acoustic
environment. Small shaft reverb is a small short reverb to imitate
the feeling of playing in a room or small club.
2. Deep Pit Reverb: Big, long reverb to imitate the feeling of playing
in a large venue.
3. Gated Shaft Reverb: Medium reverb with the addition of a noise
gate to artificially cut the decay early
4. M1 Delay: Adds a number of repeats after the signal, allowing you
to layer guitar notes over the top of each other. M1 delay has a
short repeat time (approx 200ms).
5. M25 Delay: Delay with longer repeat time (approx 500ms)
6. Slapper: Slapback echo. Similar to a delay but with fewer repeats
and shorter repeat time
7. Tapper: Multi-tap delay. A rhythmic delay, with accents on every
fourth repeat.
8. Shimmer Chorus: Chorus adds one or more copies of the sound
a tiny fraction of a second later to give the feeling of two or more
players in unison. Shimmer is a short, subtle chorus.
9. Shimmer Chorus/Reverb: As above with reverb.
10. Lush Chorus: A bigger, fuller sounding chorus.
11. Lush Chorus/Reverb: As above with reverb.
12. Tight Flanger: Flanger adds the signal and a continually phase
shifted signal together to produce sounds ranging from short
swirls to those similar to a jet plane taking off. Tight flanger is a
short, swirly effect.
13. Tight Flanger/Reverb: As above with reverb.
14. Bucket Flanger: A flange effect with a slow rate and lots of depth
to create a 'jet plane' sound.
15. Bucket Flanger/Reverb: As above with reverb
16. Crusher: Hard knee compressor. Compresses the peaks in your
playing and raises the whole signal level to produce a more
stable, even signal.
Carlsbro Electronics Limited constantly seek ways to enhance our
products, and improvements take place continually. Whilst every
effort is made to produce up to date literature, Carlsbro Electronics
Limited reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.