Specifications are subject to change without notice. Pictures are just an example. For special features and/or customization, please ask to our sales network. 090409
Solar Overload
Enhanced radiation or
“edge of cloud effect”
conditions can generate
more current than the
controller’s rating. The
device will reduce this
overload up to 130% of
rated current by regulating
the current to safe level. If
the current from the solar
array exceeds 150%, the
controller will stop charging.
Battery Temperature
All charging setpoints are based
on 25°C (77°F). If the battery
temperature varies by 5°C, the
charging will change by 0.15
volts for a 12 volt battery. This is
a substantial change in the
charger of the battery.
Auto Detector for Day and Night
It uses the solar array to detect
day and night. Both state
changes require 10 minutes of
continuous transition values
before making the change.
These constraints avoid false
transitions due to lightning or
dark storm clouds.
Measure Night Length
that turn the lights on again
before sunrise require that the
device measure the length of
the night. Therefore, the
controller cannot turn the lights
on before sunrise the first night
after installation (or after
reconnecting the battery). If the
solar array is disconnected
during service, the controller
will then measure a faulty night
length. Either reset the
controller by reconnecting the
battery, or this short “night” will
be automatically corrected by
the controller after 4 days of