RIO Set Point
The Total Flow Rate set point for a GUN may also be input
via Remote I/O (RIO). No scaling is required, since the
Total Flow Rate value is sent in cc's/minute. RIO control is
initiated when the value sent is non-zero, regardless if an
Analog Input Set Point greater than 0.25 volts is presented
to the Master CHANNEL.
Analog Input Set Point
The Total Flow Rate set point for a GUN may be input via
an external analog signal (0-10 VDC or 4-20 ma) present-
ed to the Master CHANNEL via the Channel Module. The
Maximum Flow Rate and Minimum Flow Rate for the JOB
determine the scaling applied to this analog input. Analog
control is initiated when the input signal is greater than 0.25
volts and the RIO Set Point is zero. Note: When configured
for current loop input, the minimum 0.25 volts is achieved
since 4 ma produces 2.00 volts at the input due to the 500
ohm shunt resistor used in current loop mode.
Load Mode
LOAD MODE is similar to RUN MODE. However, in LOAD
MODE, up to 10 faults are permitted before the gun will
leave LOAD MODE and enter the FAULT MODE. All eleven
(11) faults will appear in the Error Log screen. The GUN
will automatically leave LOAD MODE and return to the
READY MODE after a volume greater than or equal to the
Mixed Volume has flowed since the last fault.
1. The external GUN enable input must be supplied to
the Master CHANNEL. No system or GUN faults can
be active and the GUN configuration and JOB tables
should be properly set.
2. A signal must be supplied to the Master CHANNEL LOAD
input or a LOAD command issued from the Operator
Interface Panel or the host controller.
3. Flow will begin when the Trigger signal is supplied.
Minimum Flow
Rate CC's/Min
Maximum Flow
Rate CC's/Min
Minimum Voltage
or Current
0 volts or 4 ma
0 volts or 4 ma
10 volts or 20 ma
10 volts or 20 ma
Maximum Voltage
or Current
1. Simply remove the LOAD input and apply the HALT input
or issue a command from the Operator Interface Panel.
The DynaFlow controller can provide closed loop regula-
tion for manual hand GUN application of two-component
materials. When used with hand spray GUNs, the painter
regulates the total fluid flow with the spray GUN or an inline
fluid regulator. Regulation of two-component materials is
based on pre-set ratios located in the JOB tables.
When the GUN is placed in RUN MODE, the master channel
(resin) goes full open, or to the setting specified for that
channel as MVR HIGH, and stays at that value. The slave
channel goes to the pressure setting specified for that chan-
nel by MVR LOW. The controller determines the flow rate
of the master channel based on flowmeter feedback and
calculates the set point of the slaved (catalyst) CHANNEL
based on the ratio setting for the GUN. The detection of
a Trigger OFF signal or the lack of Master CHANNEL flow
meter pulses will cause the controller to output the MVR
LOW setting to the Slave CHANNEL. In addition, the PID
control loop is frozen and the last control output stored.
Upon reapplication of a Trigger signal, or the detection of
Master CHANNEL flow meter pulses depending on the dip
switch setting on the Channel Module, the stored Slave
CHANNEL control signal is output for a short delay time
and then the PID control loop is again initiated. This results
in stable control loop operation regardless of the duration
or quickness of trigger signals.
The flow rate of the master CHANNEL will be continuously
monitored during operation and the slaved CHANNEL set
point adjusted accordingly.
LN-9400-00-R11 (08/2018)
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Содержание Ransburg DynaFlow 77376
Страница 13: ...Figure 1 Block Diagram Return To Contents LN 9400 00 R11 08 2018 13 96 www carlisleft com INTRODUCTION...
Страница 90: ...Fluid Panel Sheet 1 Return To Contents LN 9400 00 R11 08 2018 90 96 www carlisleft com APPENDIX...
Страница 91: ...Fluid Panel Sheet 2 Return To Contents LN 9400 00 R11 08 2018 91 96 www carlisleft com APPENDIX...
Страница 92: ...Fluid Panel Sheet 3 Return To Contents LN 9400 00 R11 08 2018 92 96 www carlisleft com APPENDIX...