Below are the things you may need to get your Composite-ARF Yak 55SP in the air. Some of
them are mandatory, some of them can be chosen by you. What we list here are highly recom-
mended parts, and have been thoroughly tested.
Power servos (9 - 11 required). The elevators are specifically designed to have a single
JR 8711 or JR8811 fitted into each, and we strongly recommend that you do
any other servo (eg: JR8411/8511/8611) for these control surfaces. For Futaba users a
single S9152 should be fine for each elevator, and mounting plates for these are included.
We do
recommend fitting single S9351’s in the stabs for the elevators.
We highly recommend that the rudder is controlled by three JR 8511/8611 (or better) ser
vos. Futaba users can install 3 x S9152’s, which also fit in the rudder tray.
You have a choice of 2 or 3 servos for each aileron, depending on the servos used, which
should be installed in the phenolic mounting plates provided. JR users can install either two
or three 8511/8611 (or better) in each wing. If using JR/Graupner 8411‘s you must install 3
servos per aileron. Futaba users should install 3 servos for each aileron - either 3 of the
larger S9152’s, or 3 of the standard sized S9351’s.
Aluminium servo arms (6-8 pieces) for ailerons and elevators, and Aluminium servo out
put discs for the rudder servos (3 pieces). It is mandatory to attach the included phenolic
servo extension arms for all 3 rudder servos to metal servo output discs (eg:‘Hangar 9’
#HAN3520), or use full metal servo arms (eg: SWB ‘Double-Loc’ type)
Throttle servo. Any standard servo will do (eg: JR/Graupner 4041/5391)
Aluminum Spinner 125 - 150 mm/5 - 6” dia. eg: Tru-Turn.
Main wheels 125 mm ( 5"). Kavan Light or Dubro wheels are recommended.
Engine 150cc. The DA-150 is probably the most commonly used engine for our 3m
span planes, and the mounting dimensions are shown for this motor. another option
would be the 3W 157cc twin, which also fits completely in the cowl and is even more
compact than the DA-150.
Muffler/Canisters, and headers (80 - 90mm drop). A complete set for the DA-150, includ
ing headers, teflon connectors, spring clamps and MTW TD110 canisters is available
from us as an option. (Product #910150)
Tailwheel assembly. (Available as an option from C-ARF. Product # 801001.)
High quality heavy-duty servo extension cables, with gold connectors. High quality
receiver and ignition switches, etc.
10. Receiver and Ignition batteries.
Powerbox and powerswitches for dual batteries (available from C-ARF as an option)
12. Fuel tank (1200 - 1500cc/50 fl.oz) with gasoline stopper. We used a Dubro #692.
13. Cable ties in various lengths.
14. Propeller. Carbon Meijzlik or Menz 32 x 10 or 30 x 12 for DA-150.
Composite-ARF YAK 55SP
(3m span)