Skygate Collection
BAE Hawk Mk 66
lengths of 60mm M3 rod supplied make up one
pushrod for each elevator with an M3 ball link
supplied on one end and screw into the M3 ball
links already attached to the elevator pushrod
assembly. The pushrod length should be 87mm
between centres. For extra strength you can sleeve
the pushrod with brass or carbon tube.
Make sure both servos are centred and moving in
the correct direction to work together moving the
tailplane up and down before attaching.
Ventral Fins
Install the ventral fins in the rear of the model before final fit of the turbine and thrust tube
assembly. The three tabs on each fin should be scuffed with a sheet of sandpaper before inserting
on the pre cut slots in the bottom of the fuselage note the larger end of the fin is towards the front
of the fuselage. From the inside of the fuselage apply enough thick cyano at each of the three
mounting tabs to ensure a secure bond to the pads.
Vertical Stabiliser / Fin & Rudder
The fin assembly is supplied virtually completed for
you with the rudder pre-hinged and control horns in
place. All you have to do is fit the servo and pushrod
CARF Models recommend a 25kg digital servo for
the rudder such as the JR8711. The servo mounting
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
Fig. 28