Vue PACS MR Perfusion User Guide
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AE9362 C
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Vue PACS MR Perfusion User Guide - AE9362.docx
k2 map—Shows a measure which is proportional to the rate of contrast material permeability
across the capillaries' blood-brain barrier to the extravascular extracellular space (EES).
Calculation of the map values is based on the Boxerman-Weisskoff model
. (Calculated k2
values are taken into consideration in the calculation of all other perfusion maps. You can
choose to exclude k2 calculations from all perfusion calculations (see Section
The color bar at the bottom of each map displays the minimum and maximum data values for that
specific map. Two sliders represent the current windowing and allow you to change the range of
displayed values.
The windowing menu, displayed by right-clicking the windowing annotation, allows you to apply
various color maps and change the windowing scale to minimum and maximum values.
Changing windowing values allows you to display values that are beyond the values of the color bar.
In such cases, the value displayed on the color bar is marked with an asterisk.
You can determine whether the color bar is displayed or not. Right-click the windowing annotation and
Show Color Bar
to display the bar. If the bar is displayed, click
Show Color Bar
to remove the
bar from the display.
NOTE: The appearance of the color bar is configurable. Appearance settings include vertical vs.
horizontal appearance, bar size, bar position, the size of the gradient columns, the display of the
minimum and maximum data values, and the display of the sliders. For configuring the color bar
appearance, see your system administrator.
Perfusion Tables
In addition to the perfusion color maps, the calculated values of the perfusion parameters are
presented in two tables:
Ischemic region table—Presents the parameter values in the ischemic areas. The table
presents values only if a damaged side is selected (either automatically by the software or
manually by the user). If the damaged side is not selected automatically, a message is
displayed notifying you that no damaged side was detected.
ROI table—Presents the parameter values in any ROI you draw. The table is empty until you
draw an ROI.
Weisskoff, R. M., Boxerman, J. L., & al., e. (1994). Simultaneous blood volume and permeability
mapping using a single Gd-based contrast injection.
Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine
, (p. 279). San Francisco