To customize the regulator’s function to your requirements it will be necessary to modify the
Set (factory-set value= 20) and the differential (factory-set value= 2). However, there are
other parameters, not previously programmed, which can be usefully selected:
Useful Parameters
Higher/Lower limit alarm set: allows you to select a maximum and a minimum value for
the controlled param. When the instrument detects a value which is beyond the set thresholds,
it displays an alarm code and gives off an acoustic signal (in models with buzzer). High and
low thresholds are absolute values and so, to avoid alarm intervention during normal function,
they have to be beyond the “Set Point-differential” plus “Set Point”. If the Set Point has been
modified, it is necessary to check that the new combined values do not exceed alarm limits.
Alarm differential: the hysteresis of the alarms. A minimum differential is necessary to
avoid consecutive activating/deactivating of alarms due to small variations in the controlled
parameter. Infrared Series regulators have a factory-set alarm differential value of “2”.
Higher/lower limit alarms have an automatic reset, in fact when the controlled parameter
returns within the maximum allowed limits, the alarm is automatically deactivated.
It is possible to set the alarm set, even if a relative alarm, assigning the values with a
negative sign to the parameter P27). In this case, pay attention to the signs of P25 and
P26: as a matter of fact the negative sign shows the event of its respective alarm before the
Point, whereas the positive sign shows the event after the Set Point.
Alarm delay: allows you to set a time-delay in the alarm signal. The regulator activates the
alarm only after the selected time delay has elapsed. If during a delay the controlled
parameter returns within the allowed limits, the timer will be zeroed.
Calibration offset: allows you to modify the value displayed by the instrument. This
compensates for any errors or differences with other instruments.
Easy set-up: parameters descriptions
+05-3015 • rel.3.0 interno ok 18-09-2002 14:31 Pagina 41