2 . S A F E T Y N OT I C E
The user should become familiar with the usage and operation of this vehicle before driving.
Please follow the recommendations in this safety notice.
The same traffic rules apply to the use of this vehicle as apply to pedestrians
For your safety, please therefore follow the rules that apply to pedestrians.
Ride on the pavement, single carriage roads, or pedestrian areas only. Never ride on
motorways or dual carriageways.
Please do not drive your scooter after consuming alcohol or when you are tired.
Please be careful when driving your scooter in low light; it has not been designed for use
at night.
Be extremely cautious when driving your scooter on busy streets or in shopping malls.
Practice operating your vehicle
Before using the scooter familiarise yourself with its operation. Practice in a wide and open
area such as a park. In order to avoid accidents whilst driving, please take care when
accelerating, stopping, turning, reversing and travelling up and down ramps.
Please turn the speed dial to value 3 for your initial practice.
Be sure someone accompanies you for safety when driving for the first time.
Only use higher speed setting when you are confident that you can easily operate and
control your scooter.
The scooter is only to be used by one person at a time
Do not carry passengers on your scooter (including children)
Do not use this vehicle to carry or haul goods
As the maximum weight can be carried please refer to ‘MAX USER WEIGHT’ in ‘7.
Maximum loading weight for the basket is 3 kg (7lbs).