© Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc., R00
Table Storage and Mid Lounge Table Setup
The table tops are stored in the rear doors. The table tops are stored in the compartments with 2 white plastic clips to hold the tables in place.
Large Table Storage in Rear Drivers Door.
Small Table Storage in Rear Passengers
Single Small Table Setup Mid Coach
View from Rear.
Double Table Setup Using Both Aisle Leg
Mounts View from Front.
Picture 21.1
Picture 21.2
The larger table fits in the driver’s door compartment (Picture 21.1), while the smaller table is
stored in the passenger side door. Picture (21.2)
To release the smaller table from it’s storage location, lift the table upwards while pulling
slightly forward to clear the door handle above.
Please note location and opened and closed position of table storage clips. (Picture 21.2)
Picture 21.3
Picture 21.4