Coil Cleaning Procedure
Do not use a pressure washer or high-water pressure when cleaning the coil.
Always use water to rinse the coil down before using third party cleaning solutions. The use of cleaning
solutions and chemicals should be used cautiously; overuse will cause damage to the equipment. If the
coil cannot be cleaned with water only, follow the below procedure to clean the coil.
Caution: Do not use coil cleaning solution without diluting per cleaning solution manufacturer’s
dilution ratios and directions. Use a non-acidic, low/mild alkaline cleaner specified for washing and
cleaning aluminum/copper coils. Coil cleaners can be aggressive products. If not diluted properly
and rinsed thoroughly, damage to equipment will occur.
NOTE: Always wear eye protection, gloves, and other protective clothing when using cleaning
solutions. Avoid breathing solution and mist.
1. Shut the system OFF. Spray the coil surface with only water before applying the cleaning solution.
2. Apply the diluted cleaning solution to the coil.
3. Allow the cleaning solution to saturate the coil for no more than 5 minutes.
4. Thoroughly rinse the cleaning solution from the coil with only water. Verify the coil is clean, and no
foam deposits are present. Repeat steps 1-4 if the coil is not sufficiently clean.
5. Once the coil is clean, return the system back to service.
6. Always clean the following items thoroughly with water once the system is back to service: tools,
sprayer, roof, nearby areas, and equipment that may have come in contact with cleaning solution, etc.
When cleaning coils, specifically where considerable foaming solution deposits are present, it is
essential to rinse the coil, equipment, and surrounding areas thoroughly. Many coil cleaners can
be aggressive products, and residual left behind can be corrosive and damage equipment.
Extensively rinse coils from the bottom of the equipment and all other surrounding metal surfaces.
Never allow the foam to rest or soak in an area, whether on a roof surface, surrounding areas, or
nearby equipment.
Re-Setting of the Furnace Unit
If the flame safety control is locked out (Spark igniter fails or no gas supply), reset the unit by:
1. Turn OFF Power to the unit.
2. Turn Power to the unit back ON.
Emergency Shutdown of Unit
To shut down the unit in the event of an emergency, do the following:
1. Turn power OFF to the unit from main building disconnect.
2. Turn the external disconnect switch to the OFF position.
3. CLOSE the inlet gas valve located on the heater.
Prolonged Shutdown of Unit
For prolonged shutdown, the following steps should be done:
1. Turn the external disconnect switch to the OFF position.
2. CLOSE the inlet gas valve located on the heater.
To re-start the unit, the following steps should be done:
1. Turn the external disconnect switch to the ON position.
2. OPEN the inlet gas valve located on the heater.