Contour 5W Series Manual - V4.0
© Capital Fireplaces 2017
Free Standing
Fire blazing out of control
Check that:
• the door is tightly closed, the handle is locked and the seal is intact.
• the air vents are closed fully
(primary, secondary and tertiary)
• a suitable and well prepared fuel is being used.
Chimney fires
If your chimney is properly installed and regularly swept, chimney fires should not occur.
However, if a chimney fire does occur the first step would be to ensure the door is tightly
closed and the air vents are fully shut
(primary, secondary and tertiary)
, doing this should
cause the chimney fire to extinguish itself. After this you must keep the door and air vents
closed until the stove’s fire has gone out completely to prevent the chimney fire reigniting.
Once this has happened and the stove has cooled you must then clean the chimney and
flueways to prevent the chimney fire from reoccurring next time you light the stove.
If the chimney fire does not extinguish after closing all the vents and door then you must
contact the fire brigade immediately, do not attempt to fight the fire yourself. After any chimney
fire your chimney should be carefully examined for damage before you attempt to relight your
stove, contact a professional for advice if necessary.
Placement & Fixing Advice
The placement of the stove is very important not only for safety reasons, but also to get the
best performance out of your appliance. The below diagram shows an example of a free
standing installation. For more information see the
Hearth & Fire Surround