We have summarised for you in these additional
instructions for the Canyon bicycle manual road
bike a large number of tips concerning the use
and handling of your Canyon Speedmax which
take into account its differences to a conventional
The chapters here supplement or even replace the
relevant section in the bicycle manual road bike.
Thoroughly read through these additional instruc‑
tions and the bicycle manual road bike and then
strictly follow the assembly instructions given
in the chapter
“Assembly from the BikeGuard”
observe and follow the information given in the
“Before your first ride”
in your bicycle
manual road bike.
refer to the chapter
“Intended use”
for the in‑
tended purpose of your new Speedmax and the
maximum permitted overall weight
rider, clothing and luggage).
carry out the
minimum functional check
every ride. For more details on how to proceed,
read the chapter
“Before every ride”
in your bi‑
cycle manual road bike. Do not ride your Canyon
Speedmax unless it has passed the functional
check one hundred per cent!
Also observe the
manual, supplied
with your Speedmax.
When carrying out maintenance and repair works,
be aware that the instructions and information
provided in your manual only refer to the Canyon
Speedmax and cannot be applied to other bikes.
Due to numerous designs and model changes, it
may be that some of the routines are not de‑
scribed in every detail. Also observe the manuals
of the component manufacturers on their website
or at www.canyon.com
Note that the instructions and tips may require
further explanation depending on various factors,
such as the experience and skills of the person
doing the work or the tools being used, and some
jobs may require additional (special) tools or
measures not described in the manual.
Furthermore, you will find numerous service mov‑
ies on our website www.canyon.com that will
help you carry out small repair and maintenance
works. For your own safety, never do work on your
bicycle unless you feel absolutely sure about it. If
you are in doubt or if you have any questions, con‑
tact our service hotline or use our contact form.
Please note:
These additional instructions cannot
teach you the mechanical skills of a bicycle me‑
chanic. Even a manual as big as an encyclopaedia
could not describe every possible combination of
available bicycles and components.
For this reason this manual focuses on your newly
purchased Canyon Speedmax and standard com‑
ponents by drawing your attention to important
notes and warnings. It will not help you assemble
a complete bicycle from a Canyon frameset!
This manual cannot teach you how to ride. For
this reason this manual focuses on your newly
purchased bike by drawing your attention to the
most important notes and warnings. This manual
cannot teach you riding a bike or make you famil‑
iar with the traffic rules.
Be aware that cycling is a hazardous activity that
requires that the rider stays in control of his or
her bike at all times.
Like in any sport, you can injure yourself when
riding a bike. When you ride a bike, you must be
aware of this risk and accept it.
Always bear in mind that on a bicycle you have
no protection technology around you that could
prevent injuries, such as the bodywork or the air‑
bag of a car.
Are you missing a manual? Also visit
www.canyon.com to find supplementary manuals.
Therefore, always ride carefully and respect the
other traffic participants. Never ride under the in‑
fluence of drugs, medication, alcohol or when you
are tired. Do not ride with a second person on your
bike and never ride without having your hands on
the handlebars.
Finally, a few tips from us. Always ride carefully
so as not to endanger yourself or others. Make it a
habit to ride with appropriate equipment only. At
the very least you should wear a properly adjusted
bike helmet, protective glasses, sturdy shoes and
suitable, brightly coloured clothing.
Your Canyon team wishes you lots of fun with
your Canyon!
Note that the distance you need to stop
your bicycle increases if you are riding
with your hands on aerobars. The brake levers
are not within easy reach.
For your own safety, never do any as‑
sembly or adjusting work on your bike,
unless you feel absolutely sure about it. If you
are in doubt, contact our service hotline at
(+49) 261 9490 3000 (DE) / (+44) 3331501967
(GB) / (+61) 1 300 712 003 (AU) / (+61) 3 9771 1607
(NZ) or use our contact form at www.canyon.com
This manual does not help you to as‑
semble a bicycle from individual parts
or to repair it! Technical details in the text and
illustrations of the user manuals are subject to
change. This manual complies with the re‑
quirements of the EN ISO standard 4210‑2.
This manual is subject to European law.
Please visit our website occasionally at
www.canyon.com. There you will find
the latest news, useful tips as well as the ad‑
dresses of our distribution partners.
Canyon Bicycles GmbH
Karl‑Tesche‑Straße 12
D‑56073 Koblenz
Service hotline: (+49) 261 9490 3000 (DE)
(+44) 3331501967 (GB)
(+61) 1 300 712 003 (AU)
(+61) 3 9771 1607 (NZ)
Online contact: www.canyon.com/contact
Concept, text, photos and
graphic design:
Zedler – Institut für Fahrradtechnik
und ‑Sicherheit GmbH
Last update: October 2020, edition 3
© No part of this manual may be published, reprinted,
translated or reproduced in extracts or with electronical
systems or used for other business purposes without
prior written permission of the author.