Remove the front wheel to check the brake.
Release the clamping bolts of the Brake-
booster and remove the Brakebooster. Cau-
tion: the front brake is now only held loosely
in the brake bosses. Then tighten up again the
clamping bolts of the Brakebooster.
Place the Canyon Brake Adjuster that match-
es the width of the rim onto the bolts on the
brake bosses and first of all check whether
the triangular cable carrier is positioned
correctly: the clamping piece must lie flush
against the upper edge of the Canyon Brake
Correct the position of the cable carrier as
required with the aid of the associated cable
adjuster that is located underneath the stem
If its adjustment range is not sufficient, undo
the two clamping bolts at the cable carrier
and correct the cable adjustment. Then tight-
en up the two clamping bolts to the prescribed
torque of 2.5 to 3 Nm.
The triangle must be adjusted like this.
If the position of the cable carrier is correct,
check whether the brake pads have an air
gap of around 1 to 1.5 mm on each side of the
Canyon Brake Adjuster.
If that is not the case, adjust the two brake
arms accordingly by screwing the relevant
setscrew in or out with a 1.5 mm Allen wrench.
The setscrews for the front brake are acces-
sible from the inside over the brake holder.
Check whether the pads have an air gap of
around 1 to 1.5 mm on each side of the Canyon
Brake Adjuster.