If you bought a pedelec with suspension, you
should check the air pressure of the suspen-
sion fork and the rear shock.
If necessary, use
the pump included in the BikeGuard for the
adjustment. Improperly adjusted suspension
forks and rear shocks are liable to malfunction
or damage. This will in any case impair the rid-
ing behaviour as well as your safety whilst rid-
ing. For more information read chapters
suspension fork”
in your
detailed type-specific Canyon bicycle manual.
Are parts of your pedelec made of carbon?
Note that this material requires special care
and careful use. Read in any case the chapter
"Special characteristics of carbon”
in your de-
tailed type-specific Canyon bicycle manual.
Check with your insurers that the
pedelec as well as the storekeeping and
the charging of lithium-ion batteries are cov-
ered by your household and fire insurance.
Read the daily press to keep yourself informed
about current legislative changes.
Note that not all pedelecs are fitted with
kickstands. Therefore, when parking
your pedelec, make sure it stands safe and se-
cure and is not at risk of toppling over or being
knocked over. If your pedelec topples over, it
can suffer from damage.
Our pedelecs are high-end sports equip-
ment, representing lightweight con-
struction as pinnacle of engineering. Also be a
professional when it comes to handling of the
material. Misuse, unprofessional assembly or
insufficient maintenance can render the
pedelec unsafe.
Risk of accident!
Be aware that the distance you need to
stop your pedelec may increase, when
you are riding with your hands on bar ends.
The brake levers are not in all gripping posi-
tions within easy reach.
Note that in wet conditions the brake
performance is less effective and the
tyre grip reduced. Look well ahead when riding
on wet ground and ride clearly slower than in
dry conditions.
The weight distribution on pedelecs dif-
fers markedly from the weight distribu-
tion on bicycles without drive assistance. A
pedelec is clearly heavier than a bicycle with-
out drive assistance. For this reason parking,
pushing, lifting and carrying the pedelec is
more difficult. Bear this in mind when loading
your pedelec into a car and unloading it or
when mounting it on a bicycle carrier system.
Does the frame size fit, are saddle and handle-
bar properly adjusted?
Stand over the top tube
of your pedelec and check whether there is
enough clearance between the top tube and
your crotch (at least one handbreadth). The
saddle should be set to a height from which
you can just reach the pedal in its lowest po-
sition with your heel. Check whether your toes
reach to the floor when you are sitting on the
saddle. Riding with a too big frame may cause
injuries, when getting off the bike quickly! For
more information on the saddle position read
“Adjusting the Canyon bike to the rid-
in your detailed type-specific Canyon bicy-
cle manual.
Have you ever tried clipless or step-in pedals
and the shoes they go with?
Before setting off
with clipless pedals for the first time, careful-
ly practise locking one shoe onto a pedal and
disengaging it while the bike is stationary. Lean
against a wall when practising so that you do
not topple over. Adjust the locking and release
mechanism, if necessary. Be sure to first read
the operating instructions that you will find in
the BikeGuard. For more details on pedals read
“The pedal systems”
in your detailed
type-specific Canyon bicycle manual.
A lack of practice with or a too tight
disengaging mechanism of clipless ped-
als may result in problems of unclipping from
the pedals!
Risk of a fall!
When mounting your pedelec, make
sure not to step in the pedals until you
sit in the saddle and grip the handlebar tight
and that one pedal is at the lowest position
when you get on. The motor assistance might
switch on suddenly and result in an uncon-
trolled start of your pedelec.
Risk of a fall!
In particular, make sure there is enough
clearance between crotch and top tube
so you cannot hurt yourself when you have to
get off quickly.