Backup Tool Operating Procedure
The following message is displayed when you operate as mentioned below with the log file
unsaved, after the log file fails to be saved. If you need to save the log file, press [No] in the
message dialog then press [Save] in the log list to save the file manually.
[The Close button was pressed to close the log list dialog.]
[The Start button was pressed to restart the backup process before closing the log list dialog.]
[The close button was pressed to close Backup Tool.]
If the log file already exists, new logs will be added to the file. If you specify the existing log file to
save a log file manually after the log file failes to be saved, the file will be overwritten.
If the log file fails to be saved automatically, you need to close Backup Tool before retrying the
backup. Otherwise, the [Save] button will keep being displayed in the log list dialog, even if the
log file is successfully saved after retrying backup process.
The date format is YYYY/MM/DD.