S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
cartridge reservoirs will deplete making it necessary to Vacuum Pump Kit CFS-VP.
These systems work best if they are used frequently, daily is best, but every few days is
more important. If you are an infrequent printer or only print once or twice a week, then you
should install our AUTOPRINT (download it for free from our CFS page). Auto print will make
a printout using our Purge6 image everyday as long as you leave your computer and printer
turned on.
If you have to do cleaning cycles, do them in groups of 3 and be certain to print something,
we recommend a copy of the Purge6 pattern after every 3 cleaning cycles. The Canon
software will allow you to run cleaning cycles on the color cartridges or black cartridge
individually. If only one of the cartridges is problematic limit the cleaning cycles to include
the fewest number of cartridges possible. If you are still having problems after about 3 or 4
sets of 3 cleanings, then let the printer rest for a few hours or overnight and try again later.
This has worked on many Canon printers in the past. It gives the air bubbles in the ink a
chance to rise to the surface and get out of the printhead.
Don't let your ink bottles get empty. Refill them when they are at the 1/4 full level. Before
pouring new ink into your bottle, transfer the ink that is left into a clean glass or jar. Then
wash out the CFS ink bottle with soap and water. Then refill with leftover ink and new ink.
This keeps algae from building up on the walls of the bottle and causing premature ink failure.
An easier method is to order a spare set of empty bottles, and keep them on hand, clean and
ready to use.
For additional technical assistance please read our CFS Troubleshooting Guide or visit our
online HelpDesk.