Lead Edge Alignment Adjustment
This setting enables you to adjust the image location, by checking whether the register marks on the test print
align with the image at the leading edge toward the feeding direction of the test print paper.
(Additional Functions)
[System Settings]
[Paper Type Management
Select the paper type that you want to edit from the list
press [Details/Edit].
· The meanings of the icons that appear on the left side of each paper type are described below:
:Paper that is registered from [Duplicate] or [Paper Database] with default settings.
:Paper that is registered from [Duplicate] or [Paper Database] with changed settings.
· You can select a paper type to display from the paper type selection drop-down list.
[All]: Displays all paper types.
[Standard]: Displays only standard paper types.
[Custom]: Displays only custom paper types.
· You can sort the paper type list by registration date ([Regist.]), name ([Name]), or basis weight ([Weight]) from
the Sort List by drop-down list.
Press [Change] next to <Image Location Adjustment>.