Printing (continued)
Color quality is
not consistent
Problem with the
Test the copier and service, if necessary (see the service documentation that
accompanies the copier).
File or application
1 Print a different color test page from another application.
2 If the quality of the test page is good, there may be a file or
application problem.
Out of calibration or
calibration information/
curves on the active
partition are corrupted
1 If you suspect that a custom calibration setting is causing the problem, reset
the calibration setting to its default measurements:
In Command WorkStation > Device Center > General > Tools, click Manage.
Calibrator opens.
In Calibrator, select the calibration setting that you suspect is causing the
problem, and then click View Measurements.
Click Reset to Default Measurements, and then click Yes to confirm.
If resetting to default calibration does not solve the problem, you may need
to service the copier.
2. If restoring default measurements fixes the color quality, the custom
calibration may have been the cause of the problem. Request that the site
administrator recalibrate the imagePASS. For details, see
Color Printing
which is part of the user documentation set.
3 If the problem persists after recalibration, the calibration information on the
hard disk drive may be corrupt. Reinstall system software.
4 If the problem persists, the hard disk drive may be corrupt. Verify that all
hard disk drive cabling is correct.
5 If hard disk drive cabling is correct, you may need to replace the hard disk
imagePASS error conditions (Continued)
Possible cause
Suggested action