Image processor PCB replacement procedures
The procedures which must be performed when replacing the image processor PCB
are described below.
Procedures performed at the time of replacement
• For machines with a FAX function, output system data list, one-touch/speed
dial/group dialing list, user data list, activity management report and system dump
• For machines with a FAX function, output all transmitted and received images.
• Turn off the power switch and remove jumper plug (JP3) before replacing the PCB.
• If additional memory has been added, remove the memory after removing jumper
plug JP1 from the image processor PCB.
• Remove the ROM DIMM.
Procedures performed after replacement
• Install ROM DIMM.
• Install additional memory. When installing additional memory, do it when the
jumper plug (JP1) is removed from the image processor PCB, or when it is in the
OFF position.
• Set jumper plug JP1 to the ON position.
• Attach the jumper plug (JP3) that was removed prior to replacement of the PCB.
• Turn on the main unit power switch. If DATA ERROR is displayed, press the set key
on the control panel.
• Input the user data and service mode data.
• See page 2-8. Perform automatic shading correction and image positioning adjust-
When the jumper plug (JP3) is removed, all the data recorded in the control memory
are erased. Accordingly, when the jumper plug (JP3) is to be removed, make sure the
control data have been printed out.
• User data: data that are set when the user presses the control panel's entry/setting
• Service mode data: setting data for the service mode
• Management data: activity management record (the previous 40 transactions), sys-
tem dump record