You can set the e-mail software to start automatically in step 5. Note
that some e-mail software may not start automatically.
Mac OS 9.0 - 9.2:
From the Apple menu, select [Control Panel],
followed by [Internet] and click the [Email] tab. Change the setting in
the displayed window.
Mac OS X (version 10.1/10.2/10.3):
From the Apple menu, select
[System Preferences], followed by [Internet] and click the [Email] tab.
Change the setting in the displayed window.
The images in the [Email Images] folder are saved in the following
Mac OS 9.0 - 9.2:
Open the folder you installed ImageBrowser or the
[Document] folder, followed by [ImageBrwoserUserData] and [Mail].
Mac OS X (version 10.1/10.2/10.3):
Open the [Users] folder,
followed by [User login name], [Library], [Preferences],
[ImageBrowserUserData], and [Mail].