Trace along the folds with a used pen (no-ink) to get a sharp, easier
Assembly Instructions
Cut in line
Make a cut.
Scissors line
Cut along the line.
Valley fold
Make a valley fold.
Mountain fold
Make a mountain fold.
Glue spot
Glue parts with the same
number together.
This craft requires the use
of glue, scissors, tweezers,
and other tools which may be
dangerous to young children.
Please keep them out of reach
of children while you work.
Scissors, set square, glue
(such as woodwork glue),
metal rod, spatula, a used
pen, toothpicks, tweezers
(useful for handling small
Tools and Materials
Assembly Tip
Before gluing, crease the
paper along mounrain fold
and valley fold lines and make
sure rouned sections are nice
and stiff.
Zebra: Pattern
Download the Zebra, print it out onto thin card. Cut
out and assemble the pieces following the fully
illustrated, clear instructions and you will soon have
your very own animated paper Zebra.
Rock the model back and forth and he stretches out
his neck in a charming way.
Make two and they will kiss!