CoUnt on extenSiVe digitAL FiLteR
PRoCeSSing CAPAbiLitieS.
the cr-2 PlUS aF digital retinal camera produces ultra-high-resolution, 18-megapixel, wide-angle views with excellent color,
detail, and contrast. to further enhance your retinal exam capabilities, the cr-2 PlUS aF has a full set of blue, green, and red
filters to extract more in-depth information from each image.
the blue filter provides an excellent view of the retinal nerve fiber layer, the internal limiting membrane, retina folds, cysts,
and epiretinal membranes. the green filter enhances the view of the retinal vasculature and highlights common findings such
as hemorrhages, drusen, and exudates. the red filter is useful for pigmentary disturbances, choroidal ruptures, choroidal nevi,
and choroidal melanomas. and the red-free filter is used for evaluating the retinal Nerve Fiber layer (rNFl) and the vascular
structure of the retina as it relates to glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and hypertension.