Shock once per month or when water is hazy
. Use a capful of the oxidizing non-chlorine
shock, also known as monopersulfate.
After 4 months replace the top half.
Test weekly and adjust levels accordingly.
A bottle of 30 test strips is included.
Change water every 4 months.
We recommend using Brilliance Jet Cleanse prior to
draining the water to thoroughly clean the plumbing of organics/biofilm.
*More info can be obtained on
there are detailed instructions in the box.
Other Water Chemistry Tips
pH: Keep within 7.2 – 7.6
If it is too low, the surface of the shell may become etched. To fix, add pH increaser.
If it is too high, scale forms of the shell, water can become cloudy, and it can compromise
equipment. To fix, add pH decreaser.
Alkalinity: Keep within range 80 – 120 ppm
If it is too low, there is no buffer, causing the pH to fluctuate. To fix, add alkalinity increaser
If it is too high, the water will become cloudy. To fix, add muriatic acid.
Hardness: Keep within range 150 - 250 ppm
If it is too high, scale (calcium) will form on the shell and in the mechanicals. To fix, dilute
Metals: You do not want metals present in the spa water (except silver). Either use a pre-carbon filter on
the fill hose or add a metal sequestrant agent such has Brilliance metal and scale control.
Foam: Ensure air controls are in the off position when not in use. Avoid lotions and detergents on
bathing suits. Use Brilliance defoamer if needed. Worst case scenario, drain ½ the water.
Spa Filter Settings: When spa runs on pump 1, low speed to circulate water
through filter(s) and emit ozone and UV + other topside control functions
-we have added a separate manual on the Cannon Pools web site under the Cannon University section to
go into more detail on changing filter settings, economy settings, water care settings, and other functions.
The factory settings work very well for 95% of spa owners. The touchscreen unit is the K1000 and the 4-
button topside is the K300, both made by Gecko.
What are all these switches and dials around the spa perimeter?
control air flow. When on, it makes the jets feel much stronger.
medium dial with large water droplets
controls the waterfall and/or fountains.
medium dial with tiny water droplets on figurine’s neck
controls the neck jets.
large dials labeled with 1, 2, or 3
divert the water from each pump to various seats.
-turn these dials gently to avoid damage. It is normal for the dials to have resistance when pump(s) are on.
-it is normal to have a small dribble from neck jets and waterfalls even in the off position to prevent
biofilm build up and freeze in the supporting plumbing.
-Massage can be customized via pump speed, large pump dial, air control, and individual jets
*We appreciate you choosing Cannon Pools and Spas. All future chemicals will now be 10% off if
you mention you own a “Cannon” spa at the register.
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