Shoulder Side Rotation
Step 1. Securely attach your exerciser to a door anchor.
Step 2. Hold the last Large Grip and stand so there is slight
resistance when your arm is across your body and
your elbow is bent at 90°.
Step 3. While keeping your elbow steady, use an open-
handed grip and move your arm so your hand is now
lined up with the side of your body.
Step 4. Hold briefly and return to starting position. As an
alternate exercise, you can complete this movement
with a closed hand grip. To do this grab the Large
Grip in your hand and complete exercise as normal.
Shoulder Hug
Step 1. Place your hands in the center Large Grips, about 2 to 3 Large Grips
apart, enough to create resistance.
Step 2. Wrap the exerciser flat around your back and adjust your hands
resulting in an open-handed grip with palms facing down.
Step 3. Pull back your shoulders about 60° and bend your elbows about
45°. With your arms raised, push forward and inward as if you were
giving a big bear hug. As your hands cross at the center-point, hold
that position for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position.
For best results, avoid any unnecessary shoulder movements.
Open-Gripped Shoulder Throw
Step 1. Place your foot through the middle Large Grip of the exerciser
and anchor it.
Step 2. Take one of the last Large Grips on the exerciser and run your
arm through it up to the elbow. Grab the available Large Grip at
the other end with an open-handed grip of the same arm.
Step 3. Place one foot in front of the other so you are balanced.
Step 4. With the open-handed grip, slowly mimic a throwing motion by
raising your arm up and out.
Step 5. Slowly complete the throwing motion by bringing your arm down
across your body. Repeat as necessary.
Stride n’ Push
Step 1. Place a foot into the middle Large Grip of the exerciser and anchor it.
Step 2. Step forward and slightly lunge with your non-anchored leg, raising
your hands and arms into a “blocking” position. Return to starting
position and repeat as necessary.