Integrating the Yieldpoint d-Exto MPBX
Subsequent channels would be configured with each d-Exto position. An example for channel 2 is shown in
Figure 9.
(Figure 9)
Multiplexer Configuration
If more channels are required than can be supported using Direct Connect configuration then a multiplexer may
be configured. The multiplexer configuration simply acts as a placeholder for the measurements.
Use the
Multiplexers button
on the Program tab to display the Configure Multiplexers form.
as the Model and
as the Gage Type, as shown in Figure 10.
The Channels configuration will determine how many channel placeholders will be available. If the temperature
(Upper Channel configuration) of the d-Exto will be read then the maximum Channels will be 16 x 4 Wires. If no
temperatures are to be read the maximum Channels will be 48 x 2 Wires.
(Figure 10)