Copyright © S
. 2015. Canadian Solar Inc.
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· The system comes with a one-year limited warranty.
The PV modules come with a ten-year warranty
for 90 % of the minimum rated power output.
The warranty shall be effective from the date of
installation or 90 (ninety) days after delivery
by Canadian Solar, whichever comes first.
· The limited warranties do not cover normal wear
and tear, misuse or damage as a result of abusing,
altering, improperly installing or using the system,
unauthorized servicing, modifying, storing, or
transporting of the system, or damage caused by
power failures, natural disasters or other events
that lie beyond Canadian Solar’s control.
dIsPlAy & oPerAtIon
1. ChArGe
Lighting: battery is charging.
2. oUtPUt
Lighting: Output power.
3. oVerloAd
Flashing: Overload or short circuit.
4. BAttery CAPACIty dIsPlAy
Each lighting LED means 20% available capacity. The
first LED flashing on the left means the system is in
low voltage protection. No Power is output.
5. CAPACIty CheCK BUtton
Short press to check the capacity of battery.
6. PV Input socket
7. 12 V dC socket
8. UsB socket
9. Fuse
rAdIo oPerAtIon
10. on/oFF
Press the button to turn on or off the radio
11. Fm/Am
Short press for AM/FM mode switching ,long press
for scanning.
12. Ch/Vol+
Short press for next channel ,long press to increase
the volume.
13. Ch/Vol-
Short press for previous channel , long press to
decrease the volume.
mAIn UnIt IntrodUCtIon