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3330-A Marathon Ct Charleston, SC 29418
1(844) 538-7475
Checking For Gas Leaks
Check that all connections are tight and that the gas cylinder connection has
been tightened before you turn the cylinder gas valve on.
● NEVER check for leaks with a flame or pilot light.
● Using soapy water, coat all connections.if bubbles appear turn the cylinder gas
control off and retighten the connection before retesting.
● Inspect the appliance regularly for signs of wear, leaks or incorrect operation If
symptoms such as flaring of the burner, issues with lighting, damages to hoses
or connections or leaks from seals or gas controls are identified do not attempt
to repair, contact with your dealer for service and maintenance.
Changing Gas Cylinder
To check if gas remains in the cylinder, disconnect from the appliance and hold
the cylinder in a vertical position then shake from side to side, if there is a
sound or feel of liquid movement inside, the cylinder contains gas.
● When changing gas cylinders ensure this is conducted outside in a well
ventilated location free from people, animals and ignition sources such as
naked flames, pilot lights and electrical equipment with heaters or elements.