FIGURE C-1. CR1000 example of using the SDI-12 transparent mode to change the SDI-12
address from 0 to 3. Sensor is connected to control port 1.
C.3.2 Changing an SDI-12 address — CR200(X) Series
1. Connect a single SDI-12 sensor to the CR200(X).
2. In LoggerNet Connect, under Datalogger, click Terminal Emulator. The terminal emulator
window opens.
3. Under Select Device, located in the lower left side of the window, select the CR200Series sta-
4. Click Open Terminal.
5. Select All Caps Mode.
6. Press Enter until the data logger responds with the CR2XX> prompt.
7. Type SDI12 and press Enter.
8. The response SDI12> indicates that the sensor is ready to accept SDI-12 commands.
9. To query the sensor for its current SDI-12 address, type ?! and press Enter. The sensor
responds with its SDI-12 address. If no characters are typed within 60 seconds, the mode is
exited. In that case, simply type SDI12 again and press Enter.
10. To change the SDI-12 address, type aAb!, where a is the current address from the above
step and b is the new address (see
(p. 28). Press Enter. The sensor changes its
address and responds with the new address.
11. To exit SDI-12 transparent mode, click Close Terminal.
SN500SS Net Radiometer