If Campbell Scientific did not provision the RV50(X) or it does not automatically
connect to the network, you may need to to confirm or enter your APN information.
Follow steps 6 through 8 to WAN/Cellular > SIM Slot 1 Configuration > Network
Credentials > User Entered APN.
6. Connect your Windows® computer to the RV50(X) using the supplied Ethernet cable.
7. Launch a web browser, and enter into the address bar. The
ACEmanager login screen should appear in your browser.
8. Log in using User Name = user and Password = 12345. (We strongly recommend changing
the default password to prevent unauthorized access and the potential of malware
infection. The password can be changed from the Admin tab.)
9. Once logged in, check the Status > Home > Network State field. It should read Network
Ready, indicating the RV50(X) is connected to the cellular network. You can easily test the
RV50(X) connection to the Internet by selecting the Admin > Advanced tab and using the
PING tool to ping an Internet server, such as www.campbellsci.com.
RV50(X) Sierra Wireless AirLink® 4G LTE Cellular Modem