52202 Electrically Heated Rain and Snow Gage
7.1 Siting
The 52202 should be mounted in a relatively level spot which is representative
of the surrounding area. The lip of the funnel should be horizontal and at least
30 cm above the ground. It should be high enough to be above the average
snow depth. The ground surface around the rain gage should be natural
vegetation or gravel. It should not be paved.
The gage should be placed away from objects that obstruct the wind. The
distance should be two to four times the height of the obstruction.
7.2 Mounting
The 52202 precipitation gage uses a clamp to fasten onto the 3659 12-inch-
long, aluminum pipe or to a user-supplied 1-inch IPS pipe (see FIGURE
The 3659 pipe is shipped with the 52202 gage.
FIGURE 7-1. 52202 Precipitation Gage
The pipe attaches to a CM202, CM204, or CM206 crossarm via a CM220
Right Angle Mounting Bracket (see FIGURE
). The crossarm attaches to a
tripod mast, tower leg, CM300-series mounting pole, or a user-supplied
vertical pipe (1.0-inch to 2.1-inch OD).