Actiwave User Guide - Issue 2.0.18
Page 21
6 Preparing for an Actiwave Cardio ECG
There is huge variety of electrode pads available to suit
various applications. Signal quality is more dependent on
skin preparation than pad type. Wear ability and adhesion
are the main variables between pad types. We
recommend using your existing suppliers or searching the
web to obtain the type of pads you require. The only
criterion is that a standard 4mm stud is required on the
Some electrodes can cause skin irritation on certain
– always be vigilant!
In all cases, adequate skin preparation is vital to the
success of any recording. The ECG signal that the
Actiwave Cardio acquires is usually low and adequate skin
preparation is required to ensure noise levels are low
enough for a good quality recording. The main sources of
noise are skin resistance and pad movement. Both these
recommended skin preparation procedure is as follows:
Procedure for Skin Preparation
Clean the skin to ensure that it is clean, oil free and
preferable hairless. This can easily be achieved by using
warm water and soap. Alcohol should not be used as this
can potentially cause skin irritation. Shaving is also not
ideal and should if possible be done several days before
Use an abrasive material to remove the top layer of skin.
The ideal preparation material is a Cardio prep which is
similar to very fine emery paper. (eg. Unomedical, stock
code 2121M.) In the absence of an abrasive material a
suitable alternative is to rub the skin with a towel or other
cloth. If this is done it should be vigorous enough to
remove the top layer of skin. Some redness will be seen;
this is normal and should not be cause for concern.
Apply the chosen pads to the chest. This is best achieved
by placing the pad in the centre of the chest and locating
the Cardio on it. Attach the second pad to the other clip on
the Cardio and use the wire to position the second
electrode. Further details on positioning of the Cardio are
shown below: