VT Camera Link series
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Appendix C Correction Control
The VT Camera Link cameras provide an additional feature to adjust DSNU or PRNU correction values after the
DSNU or PRNU Correction feature is enabled. You can specify a pixel or region of the sensor and the pixel
information from the specified portion will be adjusted according to the user-defined DSNU or PRNU correction
value. The commands related to the additional DSNU Correction are as follows.
Command Syntax
Applies the additional DSNU correction value to the specified region of the sensor.
X coordinate of a start pixel
X coordinate of an end pixel (If you specify a pixel, you can leave this value blank.)
Black Level
Sets an additional DSNU correction value [Black Level value to be added to the
specified region (DN, digital number)].
Table B.1 Command related to Additional DSNU Correction
For more details on how to save or load DSNU values, refer to
9.9 Dark Signal Non-uniformity
The commands related to the additional PRNU Correction are as follows.
Command Syntax
Applies the additional PRNU correction value to the specified region of the sensor.
X coordinate of a start pixel
X coordinate of an end pixel (If you specify a pixel, you can leave this value blank.)
Sets an additional PRNU correction value (Gain value to be multiplied to the specified
Table B.2 Commands related to Additional PRNU Correction
For more details on how to save or load PRNU values, refer to