VC-5MC-M/C110H User's Manual
Page 53 of 109
Global Shutter
The VC-5MC-M/C110H camera is equipped with an image sensor that has an electronic global
shutter. When an exposure start trigger signal is applied to the camera equipped with a global
shutter, exposure begins for all lines in the sensor as shown in the figure below. Exposure
continues for all lines in the sensor until the programmed exposure time ends or when the
exposure start trigger signal ends the exposure time if the camera is using the trigger width
exposure mode. At the end of the exposure time, exposure ends for all lines in the sensor.
Immediately after the end of exposure, pixel data readout begins and proceeds line by line until
all pixel data is read out of the sensor. A main characteristic of a global shutter is that for each
frame acquisition, all of the pixels in the sensor start exposing at the same time and all end
exposing at the same time. This means that image brightness tends to be more uniform over
the entire area of each acquired image, and it helps to minimize problems with acquiring images
of object in motion.
The camera can provide an
Exposure Active
output signal that will go high when the exposure
time for a frame acquisition begins and will go low when the exposure time ends.
Figure 8-9 Global Shutter
= Line Readout
= Line Exposure
Readout Time
Exposure Time
Line N
Line N-1
Line N-2
Line 5
Line 4
Line 3
Line 2
Line 1
Trigger Signal