Incognito Exterior speakers
Introduction ................................................................................................1
Preparing the location ................................................................................2
Care and maintenance ...............................................................................2
Mounting the ES10 .....................................................................................3
Connecting the ES10 ..................................................................................4
Thank yyou ffor ppurchasing tthese C
Cambridge AAudio iincognito EES10
Exterior S
Speakers. IIncognito iis aa ccost-eeffective, m
modular bbased ssystem
using sstandard C
5 oor C
6 ccable tto ddistribute hhi-ffi qquality ssound aand
video iimages aaround tthe hhome.
About tthis uunit
Your new Incognito Exterior speakers have been designed specifically for
outdoor use.
They are the result of an extensive research and development programme
undertaken to provide you with accurate, uncompromised reproduction
of music in this environment. These ES10 Exterior speakers can be
easily mounted vertically or horizontally into your outdoor listening area
and can be used with an Incognito Multi-Room system or conventional
Hi-Fi or AV equipment.
Please take time to read this guide, as it contains important installation
information. The ES10 can only be as good as the system it is connected
to. Please do not compromise on your audio/visual source components.
Naturally, we recommend products from the Cambridge Audio Azur
Now we invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy!
Matthew Bramble
Technical Director