About This User Guide
Warnings, cautions, and notes
Page 5
Warnings, cautions, and notes
The following describes how warnings and cautions are used in this document and in all
documents of the Cambium Networks document set.
Warnings precede instructions that contain potentially hazardous situations. Warnings are used to
alert the reader to possible hazards that could cause loss of life or physical injury. A warning has
the following format:
Warning text and consequence for not following the instructions in the warning.
Cautions precede instructions and are used when there is a possibility of damage to systems,
software, or individual items of equipment within a system. However, this damage presents no
danger to personnel. A caution has the following format:
Caution text and consequence for not following the instructions in the caution.
A note means that there is a possibility of an undesirable situation or provides additional
information to help the reader understand a topic or concept. A note has the following format:
Note text.