PMP Synchronization Solutions User Guide
Configuring a CMM4
PMP-0297 007v001 (January, 2017)
Date from GPS
This field displays the month, day, and year that the CMM4 receives.
Time from GPS
This field displays the hour, minute, and second that the CMM4 receives.
This field indicates the health of the connection between the CMM4 and the
GPS antenna. For example, a value of “BAD – Under Current” indicates that
there is a lack of signaling due to a bad cable or GPS module.
Tracking Mode
If the CMM4 receives the signals from a GPS antenna, then this field
indicates the degree to which the CMM4 is accurately computing position
information, given the satellites that it is tracking. For example
2D Fix indicates that the CMM4 has a lock on information that is sufficient to
compute position.
Bad Geometry indicates that it does not.
If the CMM4 receives the signal from a GPS antenna, then this field displays
the latitude of the site.
If the CMM4 receives the signal from a GPS antenna, then this field displays
the longitude of the site.
If the CMM4 receives the signal from a GPS antenna, then this field displays
the elevation (above sea level) of the GPS antenna.
Invalid Message
Number of messages sent from the GPS receiver for which there is no
Restart Count
It is incremented when the CMM4 is having difficulty communicating with
the GPS module
Reinit Count
The number of times the GPS device has been completely reinitialized
Viewing the System Log
An example of the CMM4 System Log tab is displayed in
Figure 47 System Log tab of the CMM
The System Log tab provides a record of events that have been significant to this CMM4.