Tailored Seat Cover Installation
Step#1 – Remove Headrest
Slide headrest up, push in plastic release
buttons to remove the headrest.
Step#2 – Install Backrest
Apply the backrest, wrap cover
under the seat belt.
Step#3 – Install Backrest
Tuck in all the straps.
Step#4 – Install Console
Wrap the cover over the console starting
from the cup holders. Attach the velcro
at the back.
Step#5 – Install Bottom Cushion
Place the cover on the bottom
cushion and make sure all
seams are aligned to the
original upholstery
Step#6 – Install Bottom Cushion
Attach straps to corresponding
buckles under the seat.
2121 South Anne Street, Santa Ana, California 92704
Toll Free: 1-800-846-8621
Web: www.caltrend.com