Air pressure
Connect Power plug
: Connect to the outlet using the unit's own power supply, and
then plug the power supply's DC plug into its own DC power hole.
Preparing for massage
: Place the hand that needs to be massaged at a comfortable
angle inside the hand massager .•
TO start
: Short press
power button, the LED light will become brighter and
massage program ente�e automatic integration mode.
TO change the massage mode
: Short press the button � , the product change
the working mode ,
LED blue color
: Integrated mode, the product will automatically perform a full-hand
massage. At this time, it is recommended to put your hand in the deepest part of the
LED Purple color:
Finger mode, the product will focus on the finger massage.
At this time, it is recommended to put your hand in the deepest part of the machine.
LED Red color:
Palm mode, the product will focus on the palm massage.
In this mode, the palm part should be removed from the machine and the palm placed
in the air pressure massage area.
To Stop:
Short press
the power button and the massage stop.
To turn on Heat: Warm heater started automatically after starting, if need stop the
heater, press
the heater button, the red LED light disappears.
To change the rolling massage intensity
: In the working mode, short press � to
change the roller massage intensity.
Level 1: Blue color, Level 2: purple color, level, Level 3: Red color
To change the air pressure intensity
: In the working mode, short press � to change
the intensity of the air pressure massage,
Level 1: Blue color, Level 2: purple color, level, Level 3: Red color
Automatic timer:
the massage is set for 20 minutes when turned on. Massage stops
when time elapsed.
This page summarizes the common problems you may encounter while using the
product. If you are unable to resolve the problems with the suggestions below, please
contact the service center .•
1.Power plug wrong connect
1.Make sure power plug right
2.The product may have been connect and the power switch
Products can not
continuously used for
LED light turns white.
40minutes or more that the
2.Unplug the product and let it
overheat protection have
cool down for 60 minutes before
been activated.
using it again.
3.0ther unknown fault.
3.Please contact the service center.
Sudden stop during 1.Power plug fault
1.Re-connect power plug.
2.0ther unknown fault
2.please contact the service center
Noise can be heard Noise is made by the
This is normal and does not
from the product
mechanical parts of the
mean that the product is faulty.
1.Wrong placement of the
1.Turn off hand massager and
The finger fell pin
adjust placement of the finger.
during massager
2.Adjust intensity of the air
2.Strong air pressure