Phoenix, Arizona
Dysart Unified School
District Projects Loudly
with Array Technology
Part of a rapidly growing community located
outside of Phoenix, Arizona, Dysart Unified School
District had only seven schools five years ago
and now has 23 buildings and nearly 30,000
students. Meeting the challenges of a growing
(& diverse) student population and addressing
the instructional needs of teachers, the district
decided to install new projectors and speakers
in their schools. “We had television sets in each
classroom, but the technology was very limited,”
said Ezra Williams, the network specialist for the
district. “We wanted to provide technology that
would offer options for instructional purposes in
nearly five hundred classrooms. And the speakers
from Califone gave us the ability to have a high-
quality sound system that would connect with the
projector system.” The Array Speakers (
allow teachers to amplify music, videos and other
online interactive programs played directly from
their laptop connected to the projector system, all
without adding new ambient noise to the classroom
— giving the students a greater opportunity
to listen and learn. In addition, DUSD chose
to provide 20 classrooms with wireless lapel
microphones during installation, and now over
100 teachers have requested a lapel mic for their
classroom. “Teachers who have hearing impaired
students in their classrooms find the amplification
to be extremely helpful,” Williams said. In addition,
the district chose to keep some of the speakers
on mobile carts with microphones. This allows
teachers to request the portable sound system for
activities that may not be in a classroom or for
an administrative meeting. “The teachers are so
ecstatic about receiving the new audio technology
— no more checking out boomboxes or checking
into the media labs.”
Go to califone.com/casestudies to
read the entire case study
Case Study: PI30
D ow n l o a d i n d i v i d u a l p ro d u c t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s h e e t s a t
c a l i f o n e . c o m / s p e c s
y S
No other speak
ers incr
se the signal-
to-noise r
atio bett
er than Arr
ay speak
Make Sure They Can Hear You... This Time and Every Time!
The better your students can hear you, the better their behavior, attention, and academic achievement —
and the less the vocal strain for you. Whether yours is an issue of poor acoustics, noisy heating and air conditioning units,
chatter from neighboring classrooms, or students with hearing disabilities, Califone has the right amplification solution.
Our line of classroom-proven wired and wireless audio systems delivers optimum sound reinforcement throughout the room.
array speakers are ideal for mounting on whiteboards!
PA Systems
Powered speaker with line-in,
fixed and variable line outs, mic and
DC functioning, 16-channel UHF
wireless reception
Powered speaker with line-in,
fixed and variable line outs, mic and
DC functioning (non-UHF)
Non-powered, non-UHF
Our top of the line Array Speaker
features wireless reception to give
schools the greatest flexibility on how
or where they enhance audio. In addition
to its volume and tone controls, the
PI30 has two separate line outs for
connecting additional wired speakers
and for other applications such as a
dedicated amplification system
for students with special needs.
This powered speaker with line-in,
mic and DC functions has the same
evenly distributed sound qualities as
the PI30 but without UHF capability.
This speaker is the non-powered
speaker in this series. It is the same
caliber as the speakers detailed
above, but operates on existing power
supplied through the speaker wire
carrying the audio, providing installation
opportunities in previously underserved
areas of the school.
Array Speakers
There are many applications for this technology from providing narration to an existing
presentation to ESL/ELL or other direct language instruction for a large group. The speakers are specifically designed
to increase the “signal-to-noise-ratio,” which means targeting the sound to the audience instead of having it
bounce around the classroom indiscriminately. A significant advantage to this technology is that students at the back of
the class will hear the same quality audio as those in the front. They are ideal for use with whiteboards.
This packaged set delivers the “best of” wireless audio for schools, classes & meeting rooms. Our PI30 array
speaker is paired with the LCD-16 (page 6) to provide quick and easy set-ups of cord-free audio transmission
from mobile AV carts, LCD projectors, computers, and media players by simply setting both units to the
same frequency. Additional Califone UHF speakers can linked by matching their frequencies too.
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